Hill workout for the run by Coach Phaedra Kennedy
PK’s Power Pyramid
15-20 minute warm up
Do this 2-3 x through:
10 seconds uphill @ 5 km + effort, 90 seconds recovery (walking downhill)
20 seconds uphill @ 5 km + effort, 90 seconds recovery (walking downhill)
30 seconds uphill @ 5 km + effort, 90 seconds recovery (walking downhill)
Workout notes: This workout is all about power + running economy. The focus here is on EFFORT, not pace. These repeats should be hard but controlled.
Form cues to think about: Lean from your ankles, not your waist, keep your chest up + look up the hill vs, down at the ground. Use your arms to help drive you up the hill.

Phaedra Kennedy or “PK” to most people has been coaching runners + triathletes of all levels since 2015. She is an NCCP trained triathlon coach an NAASFP Certified Run Coach, CanFit Pro Certified Personal Trainer and a DTS Level One Exercise Coach. In 2017 she started PK Performance Coaching so she could help novice and intermediate endurance athletes level up their performance. She believes moving well is the key to performing well and strives to help athletes integrate regular mobility + strength work into their lives.
As a life long endurance athlete, Phaedra has completed the Boston Marathon three times and tackled the 70.3 World Champs in Nice, France. She’s completed every triathlon distance from sprint to Ironman and is currently training for her bucket list race, Challenge Roth in July.